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Going Solo Panel Discussion
Going Solo Panel Discussion
Digital Product
SGD$ 15.00   

Creating a Memorable Storytelling Performance for Adults - This is the third in a series of panel discussions focusing on how to put together a storytelling programme. The theme is one that many tellers might consider the most challenging of all – devising a 60+ minute solo show for adults.?This includes the choice of stories and their sequencing, and also the manner in which the overall performance is framed. Clearly it requires more thought than just a catchy title and punchy PR description! 

How do start the performance and get into the first story? 

Is a costume or a setting going to be a part of your performance? 

What is the arc of the show?

How does the design of your show communicate that the last story really is the last story, and not just the last because you have run out of time?

The focus is not, primarily, on the way that you tell the stories. It is on the show as a whole. It is about making the entire show an experience for the audience. 

To talk about these and other important questions on this topic, we have Katrice Horsley, Peter Chand and Donna Washington in a panel discussion that is sure to be both informative and delightful. You can read more about our distinguished panelists by clicking on their names to go to their respective websites.

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