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HomeSpecial Interest Groups

A Special Interest Group (SIG) is an informal gathering of like-minded members that operates fairly independently of the main FEAST activities.

What are some of the general benefits of a special interest group (SIG)?

  1. A SIG enhances a sense of camaraderie between storytellers who, while separated by long-distance or isolated in their geographical location, share the group’s common interest/purpose;
  2. A SIG creates an opportunity to share best practice ideas with like-minded tellers;
  3. A SIG gives a space for tellers to share stories – and personal experience – with friends who are knowledgeable, empathetic and appreciative of such contributions;
  4. A SIG encourages more tellers to take on active roles in the running of the the organisation, as responsibilities, rotate among the members, giving participants the chance to chair meetings, practice hosting skills, take minutes, etc.

SIGs are only open to FEAST members. There is a fee of $5 per year to join each SIG.

Our current active SIG is PLOT LUCK , our story improv group

FEAST supports SIGs by scheduling its zoom meetings and organising public events (if required) as part of the FEAST calendar.

  • Each SIG has its own dedicated list-serv forum to facilitate communication among members.
  • Each SIG develops its own guidelines about how often it meets and how such sessions are organised. Some performance or project-orientated SIGs will meet more regularly and usually require a commitment to attend rehearsals etc.
  • Each SIG has its own folder in the Document Library to store documents and resources created by and for its members: these documents can be restricted for viewing by the SIG members only.

Note that SIGs are member-initiated . We would love to see more - for example on storytelling in the classroom, telling personal stories, using puppets, telling bi-lingually, tandem-telling with a partner . . . This document TEMPLATE- How to set up a new SIG outlines the steps to developing and submitting a proposal to the Directors to set up a new SIG. We think a minimum of 6 - 8 members is probably required to make an SIG viable.

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